Inspired by Jeremiah 31:25 -- For I will satisfy the weary soul, and every languishing soul I will replenish -- ReFill with Preach Sista! offers a first and second cup of refreshment and refilling of a depleting soul.

The First Cup  -- daily Instagram and Facebook encouraging posts -- are good for the soul, but sometimes we just want a second cup. Sometimes we just need a little more encouragement, just like sometimes we need a second cup of coffee of tea,

ReFill with Preach Sista! A 2nd Cup is an initiative designed to more deeply engage members of the ReFill with Preach Sista! Facebook group with the twelve replenishing practices that lead to flourishing.

The A 2nd Cup initiative includes a short 2nd Cup video encouragement and a bonus 2nd Cup seven-day challenge. Both the video and 7-day challenge  drop sometime during the middle of the month on the ReFill with Preach Sista! Facebook group page. The exact dates will vary, so be sure to join our ReFill with Preach Sista! Facebook group to catch all the 2nd Cup bonus material.