Get ReFilled with a Second Cup of encouragement with a splash of inspiration and connection

When life is depleting our motivation, sense of purpose, and connection; we need to Refill what has been depleted until we overflow.

The Second Cup initiative is all about creating virtual spaces for connection, inspiration, and encouragement and is inspired by Jeremiah 31:25 -- For I will satisfy the weary soul, and every languishing soul I will replenish. 

On designated Thursday from 7:00 to 8:00pm Eastern, friends of Preach Sista! are invited to gather over zoom with founder Michelle Loyd-Paige to talk about life and faith. The topics of our gatherings range from the books we are reading to self-care practices to questions of faith and everything in between. Our conversations are lively, welcoming, and encouraging. Are you ready for a 2nd cup?

Save these Dates for 2025

January 2 - January 30 - we are discussing “(Re)Centered” by Michelle Loyd-Paige

March 6 - April 4 — we are discussing the “what” and “how” of observing Lent.

May 15 - June 26 — we are discussing “Year of Saying Yes” by Shonda Rhimes

August 14 - September 25 — we are discussing “ReFill with Preach Sista” by Michelle Loyd-Paige

November 6 - December 18 — we are discussing “Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World” by Joanna Weaver.