In 2024 I became a certified life coach. It is something that I had been think of doing for some time. My daughter would tell you that I have been a life coach all my life because of my mentoring and walking alongside people through ministry and friendships. While that may be true, I wanted to add some credentials and more credibility to my efforts.

For the record, life coaching it is not mentoring, advice giving, nor counseling. Coaching is about helping individuals achieve the goals they have set for themselves. Coaching focuses on the relationship as the agent of change and uses questions instead of suggestions to keep the client empowered & accountable moving forward. As a coach, I don’t tell people what to do, I help people do the things they want to do.  As a Life Coach, I believe the best way to help someone change is to create a structured, supportive relationship that helps the person take responsibility for their life and the changes they want to make.

As a coach my job is not to take over but to listen, believe, encourage, challenge, be honest, be insightful, and even push at times.

Why is life coaching a part of Preach Sista? Glad you asked. Life coaching — faith-based life coaching — falls under our commitment to nourishing souls and helping people to flourish. 

Need a Life Coach?

I can help with that! I offer both individual and group coaching. The next group coaching session starts in January 2025. To talk about the possibilities and pricing, complete the inquiry form below.