Giving Generously

Giving isn’t only about money. Which is good news for people who do not have a lot of money in the bank. We can give our time (volunteering, being at an event, visiting with someone, etc.). We can give our talent (lending our expertise in cooking, crafting, fixing, writing, etc.). And, of course, we can give our treasure (giving money, purchasing something on behalf of someone or an organization, etc.).

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Centering Routinely

When I was a teenager, I hated to hear the words “You are grounded!” It meant that certain privileges and connections were being taken away as a form of punishment. Some of the time the words were deserved and well earned, just sayin’. These same words now take on an entirely different meaning. “You are grounded” now means that I am centered.

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Dreaming Audaciously

When I say, “dreaming audaciously”, I am not talking about the dreams that our minds generate while we are asleep. I am talking about a bigger-than-you aspiration or ambition. I’m talking about something so big that it’s a little scary to think about because you know you can’t do it all by yourself. I’m talking about something that is both inspired by God and takes the power of God to bring to pass.

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Worshiping Expectantly

Remembering to Flourish is a call to action to live a life aware of the need to be intentional about finding fulfillment in our lives. It is also a set of practices to help us engage in behaviors and attitudes that facilitate flourishing. I have identified twelve practices for flourishing. Here I will introduce the eighth practice to remember -- Worshiping Expectantly.

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Connecting Intentionally

Social science research tells us that human beings are born with the capacity to form social connections and relationships. While, we may have the capacity to make connections, we still must be intentional about initiating and maintaining relationships. Being intentional means that we are making choices about who we engage with, how we engage, and when we engage.

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Decluttering Aggressively

Put simply, decluttering is getting rid of stuff, being tidy and orderly. I Corinthians 14:40 tells us, “But all things should be done decently and in order.”  Decluttering our lives is a practice that leads to flourishing by way of creating an environment of order and serenity.


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ReFill with Preach Sista! - Exercising Consistently

I firmly believe that our physical fitness matters to God. I don’t mean being skinny. I mean being the healthiest versions of ourselves possible. When fit, our bodies can do remarkable things – run, jump, play, dance, walk, carry things, and so much more.

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Hydrating Fully

Remembering to Flourish is a call to action to live a life aware of the need to be intentional about finding fulfillment in our lives and to engage in practices that facilitate flourishing. There are twelve practices that facilitate flourishing, this post is describes the practice of Hydrating Fully. In this post we explore our need for water . We invite readers to think how they would answer these two questions: When you are physically thirsty, what is the first beverage you reach for? When your soul is thirsty, what do you reach for?

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Living Joyfully

To Remember is to be mindful. It is a process of bringing to one’s mind an awareness of someone or something. To Flourish means to grow by making steady progress facilitated by a supportive environment. Remembering to Flourish is a call to action to live a life aware of the need to not only be intentional about finding fulfillment in our lives, but to also engage in practices that facilitate flourishing. I have identified twelve practices that have facilitated flourishing in my life. My hope is that these practices will also help you to remember to flourish. This post is about the first practice — living joyfully.

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