Being Unapologetically

Remembering to Flourish is a call to awareness of God’s desire for us to flourish (Psalms 115:14). While God’s desire is for us to flourish, it is up to us to remember to flourish by engaging in practices – behaviors and attitudes – that replenish mind, body, and soul. I have identified twelve practices to remember. Practices that facilitate flourishing.  Here I introduce the twelfth practice

Recall: (Remember to Practice) Being Unapologetically

Recharge: (Meditation) The day that I learned that “no one can be a better me than me”, is a day that I began to accept myself as God made me. Moreover, I began to enjoy being myself. For far too many years, I resented being me. I wanted to be someone else. I wanted to be someone who was prettier, smarter, taller, and more coordinated. I rarely felt like I belonged anywhere (moving every three years didn’t help).

It took years for Psalm 139:14 to become my own testimony. The words – “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well” – proclaimed by the psalmist became my own words when I believed (really, really believed) that I was wonderfully made by God. Knowing that God took time to create me (everything about me), helped me to be me without apology.

Being unapologetically me means that I no longer resent being me. I love being me. Being unapologetically me means I am accepting myself and the way that God has made me. Being unapologetically me means that I am no longer seeking acceptance according to the world’s standards. I no longer need to seek acceptance, because I know that I am accepted by God. And if God accepts and loves me, who am I to not accept and love myself. Being unapologetically me means I enjoy being myself.

Reflect: (Journal Prompt) What do you like about yourself? Have you ever apologized for something about yourself? If so, what were the circumstances and how did it feel? 

Rehearse: (Affirmation) I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I love being me. 

Refill: (Prayer) Wonderful creator, help me to see myself as you see me. Help me to love myself as much as you love me. Thank you for creating me so uniquely. Amen.