Giving Generously

Remembering to Flourish is a call to awareness of God’s desire for us to flourish (Psalms 115:14). While God’s desire is for us to flourish, it is up to us to remember to flourish by engaging in practices – behaviors and attitudes – that replenish mind, body, and soul. I have identified twelve practices to remember. Practices that facilitate flourishing.  Here I introduce the eleventh practice.  

Recall: (Remember to Practice) Giving Generously 

Recharge: (Meditation) Giving isn’t only about money. Which is good news for people who do not have a lot of money in the bank. We can give our time (volunteering, being at an event, visiting with someone, etc.). We can give our talent (lending our expertise in cooking, crafting, fixing, writing, etc.). And, of course, we can give our treasure (giving money, purchasing something on behalf of someone or an organization, etc.). On any given day, there are many opportunities to give. How should we give when we have the opportunity to give? Well, Proverbs 11:24 is a good place to start, -- “One person gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty.” 

I like to think that King Solomon in Proverbs 11:24, is saying three things. 1- you can’t out give God and that the more you give the more you will have to give. 2- it’s okay to not give away everything. Only give what you can afford to give. That word “unduly” is key. 3 – However, if you are holding back on what you can give – and you know you have felt the nudging of the Holy Spirt to give, you know you would not be giving out of compulsion but it’s a choice – if you hold back on giving your time, talent, and treasure, you are actually the one who is the poorer for not giving. Yes, we must be discerning about where and how to give – we want our giving to be as good seed sown into good ground. Yet, we must remember that everything we have was given to us generously by God. As image-bearers of God, shall we not give to others as generously as God has given to us? 

Reflect: (Journal Prompt) In what ways do you give your time, talent, and treasure? How do you discern “the good ground” in to which to sow your time, talent, and treasure? 

Rehearse: (Affirmation) I am a cheerful giver. As I give generously and freely, I gain even more. 

Refill: (Prayer) Generous God, you have given so much to me. You have given me more than I can repay. Thank you. Help to know where best to sow my time, talent, and treasure. Thank you for the abundance of your provision so that I can be a blessing. Amen.