Decluttering Aggressively

Remembering to Flourish is a call to action to live a life aware of the need to not only be intentional about finding fulfillment in our lives, but to also engage in practices that facilitate flourishing. I have identified twelve practices for flourishing. Here I will introduce the nineth practice.


Recall: (Practice) Decluttering Aggressively


Recharge: (devotion) Consider this your invitation to declutter. An invitation to throw away the things that no longer serve you, things that are broken and can’t be repaired, or things that you really don’t care for. An invitation to give away things that are taking up space in your closets or basement. Things you have outgrown but still look good. Things that no longer bring you joy. Things that someone else could use and enjoy. Decluttering Aggressively is also an invitation to put away things that are out of place. An invitation to hang up your clothes, make up your bed, and wash and put away the dishes.  


Put simply, decluttering is getting rid of stuff, being tidy and orderly. I Corinthians 14:40 tells us, “But all things should be done decently and in order.”  Decluttering our lives is a practice that leads to flourishing by way of creating an environment of order and serenity.


While we often think of decluttering our living and working spaces, we should also consider decluttering our hearts and minds. When our hearts and minds are cluttered, we feel overwhelmed and anxious. Over-thinking, negative self-talk, and never-ending-to-do lists are all signs of a cluttered mind and heart. When we declutter our hearts and minds, we can experience more of the peace and the abundant life that God offers. Decluttering aggressively is intentionally getting rid of what does lead to flourishing with urgency.


Reflect: (journal prompt) What things am I holding on to that I need to give away or throw away? What thoughts are cluttering my mind? What steps can I take to declutter?


Rehearse: (affirmation) I can let go of things that no longer serve me. I surround myself with order and serenity.


Refill: (prayer) Creator God, you are not the author of chaos. Clutter – too much stuff, untidiness, or things thrown about – is chaotic. Help me to see the clutter in my life. Help me to get rid of all the things that make my life messy and untidy. Help me to not be an author of chaos, but rather to be a contributor to order and serenity. I want my life to reflect you more closely, God. In Jesus’ name, Amen.