Resting Frequently

Remembering to Flourish is a call to action to live a life aware of the need to not only be intentional about finding fulfillment in our lives, but to also engage in practices that facilitate flourishing. I have identified twelve practices for flourishing. Here I will introduce the sixth practice.

Recall: (Practice) Resting Frequently

 Recharge: (devotion) Have you ever said, “I’m so tired, I don’t know what to do!”. I have. More than I care to admit. When tired, I have two choices. I can either push through and keep doing the things that are making me tired, or I can rest. To rest means to cease from working to relax, to refresh my thoughts, or to recover my strength. Studies have shown that not getting enough sleep is bad for our health. Sleep deprivation is associated with obesity, high blood pressure, irritability, and feeling tired. Sleeping and napping is a kind of physical rest. There are, however, other types of rest. Emotional, creative, sensory, and social rest are all ways to recharge when we are feeling tired or overwhelmed by “all the things” of life.

 Thank goodness God knows how we are made and has invited us to rest. The invitation has been given, but we must accept the invitation and choose to rest. Hebrews 4: 9-11 states, “There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from their works, just as God did from his. Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest, so that no one will perish by following their example of disobedience.” Yikes! Did you catch that. Not resting is a form of disobedience. Choosing not to rest, consistently overworking to the point of exhaustion, and wearing tiredness as a badge of honor is willful disobedience. No matter who we are or our many responsibilities, we must rest for the sake of our physical, emotional, and spiritual health.

 Reflect:(journal prompt) What kind of rest are you most in need of?  What does rest look like for you currently? How could resting more frequently help you to flourish?

 Rehearse: (affirmation) I take care of myself by resting. Resting frequently is necessary for my flourishing.

 Refill: (prayer) Lord of the Sabbath, you have showed me the importance of rest by resting yourself on the 7th day. However, I sometimes get caught up in my own busyness and I fail to follow your example of rest. Forgive me. Help me to slow down, to be still, and to cease from doing. Help me to remember to rest. Amen.