Dreaming Audaciously

Remembering to Flourish is a call to awareness of God’s desire for us to flourish (Psalms 115:14). While God’s desire is for us to flourish, it is up to us to remember to flourish by engaging in practices – behaviors and attitudes – that replenish mind, body, and soul. I have identified twelve practices to remember. Practices that lead to facilitate flourishing.  Here I introduce the tenth practice.  

Recall: (Remember to Practice) Dreaming Audaciously  

Recharge: (Meditation) When I say, “dreaming audaciously”, I am not talking about the dreams that our minds generate while we are asleep. I am talking about a bigger-than-you aspiration or ambition. I’m talking about something so big that it’s a little scary to think about because you know you can’t do it all by yourself. I’m talking about something that is both inspired by God and takes the power of God to bring to pass. 

Preach Sista! was of several audacious dreams I have. When it started back in 2000, I didn’t know if I could pull it off. “Lord, I really want to start a different kind of women’s ministry, can I really do this? Can I really do this in Muskegon?” was my thought as I launched the ministry. However, I held on to Ephesians 3:20 -- Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us. I was sure of the need. I knew that the ministry I was imagining and dreaming about would build up the kingdom of God in general and the women of God in particular.

My bank account said, “start small”, but I didn’t want small thoughts, and I didn’t want to put my limits on God. God knew what was in my bank account when I was dreaming of Preach Sista! When God puts a dream on our hearts, we can trust that God will supply every need and do even more than we think is possible. I dared to dream audaciously not because of my own strength, but because God’s ways and thoughts are bigger than mine. God can do even more than we can imagine. So, take the limits off and dream audaciously. 

Reflect: (Journal Prompt) What dreams for kingdom building has God placed on your heart? What fears pop into your mind when you dream audaciously? 

Rehearse: (Affirmation) My biggest dreams are not too big for God. God empowers me.  

Refill: (Prayer) Creator God, in your word it is written that you can do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine according to your power at work in us. Help me to imagine and ask for those things that are bigger than I am. Fill me with your power so that you can work through me to build up your kingdom. In Jesus’ name, Amen.