Nourishing the soul is an important part of the PreachSista! mission and how we do that is to create spaces that support honest self-examination, the practice of spiritual disciplines, and opportunities to get away to be still and know that God is God.
Our newest offering is our (Re)Centered Project. The (Re)Centered Project is a multi-layer initiative that originated with the publication of our (Re)Centered: 30-Day Realignment devotional and journal in December 2024.
If you own a car, you know that in order for your car to run properly, you need to make sure your tires are in proper alignment. When the seasons change — fall turns to winter and spring turns to summer — you will need furnace or air-conditioner tune-ups from time to time — to accommodate the change of seasons. And so it is with life … and our souls.
There are times in life — new years when we long for a fresh start, life events that demand we re-examine the state of our lives, and circumstances that seek to sift our faith like wheat. In these times (and if you haven’t experienced these times, just live a little longer, your midnight hour is coming), in these times we need a life recalibration — we need to be (Re)Centered.
The (Re)Centered project has four levels of engagement.
1- Purchase the book! Use this link to purchase the book from Amazon. Once you receive your copy of the book, identify a 30-day period to read and journal your way through the book. The book contains self-assessments, journal prompts, and encouraging scripture.
2 - Participate in our January Small Group (Re)Center Retreat. This retreat is a great way to start off a new year. Reservations are required for this in-person overnight retreat. The retreat is slated for January 3 - 4, 2025 and happens at our favorite conference site, Maranatha Bible and Conference Center in Muskegon, Michigan. Space is limited for this intimate gathering. Our time includes shared meals, gentle teaching, times of silence and meditation, creative expression, and lively conversation. (Update: This event is SOLD OUT)
3 - Join the (Re)Center Coaching Call. Twice a year we are offer group coaching sessions via zoom. The coaching calls are based upon the (Re)Centered book. Participate in as many sessions as you would like. Join us for our next sessions. Registration is not required, but you must join the call by 7:05 pm to participate. After 7:05 people will not be allowed on the zoom call in order to protect the flow and focus of the group session.
January 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30 from 7pm - 8pm Eastern. Use the link below to join. Sessions are not recorded. There is no fee, but donations are welcome.
4 - Reflect with January and/or June (Re)Center Refresh Messages. Refresh and Recenter with 30-days of inspiring and affirming messages. Messages will be postested to instagram (@OfficalPreachSista) and on our FaceBook ReFill with PreachSista Group page.
Or you can sign up to receive a daily text message from January 2 - 31 and/ or from June 1 - 30. Texts will contain short inspirational messages, prayers, questions, and quotes. By signing up, you are agreeing to be a part of a either a group text. You will not be asked to respond or purchase anything. Use the form below to sign up