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“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in faith so that you overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” — Romans 15:13

Refill with Preach Sista - replenishing conversations; filling up until we overflow. Sometimes we can be so busy tending to the things of life that we don’t notice that we are not taking care of OUR SELF. That is until we hit the proverbial wall and we find ourselves running on fumes — or trying to run on tanks that are less than full. It’s hard to keep flourishing when you lack energy - the emotional, physical, and spiritual energy required to get things done, to flourish, and to pour into others. Are the indicator lights on your personal dashboards glowing red? If they are, they may be telling you that we are not just tired — but you are dangerously tired. It’s not a good place to be emotionally, physically, or spiritually.

When we are dangerously tired, we are not the people we are meant to be when we don’t take the time to refill our our wellness tanks. Yet, all too often, we find ourselves exhausted emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Now What?

Well, why not get a Refill with Preach Sista! Twice a month we promote soul-care through replenishing conversations so that we are not just full of those things that promote wellness, wholeness, and well-being for ourselves, but also to get us to the point where we overflow with these things so that we can pour into others.

On the first and third Saturday of the month we provide a virtual re-filling station. With engaging conversation with people from a variety of walks of life, we share stories and practices of self-care. Sometimes our conversations are funny, sometimes serious, yet they are always real. Real talk about the need, challenges, and strategies to “refill” our tanks to that we can flourish and help others to flourish as well.

Join Us!

Streaming the 1st & 3rd Saturdays of the month on the Preach Sista! Facebook page and the Official PreachSista! YouTube channel.

Can’t wait until the first and third Saturday of the month, then consider joining our Refill with Preach Sista! private Facebook group. The private group features daily affirmations to recharge your soul, monthly wellness challenges (small practices to refuel, recharge, and regroup), and a virtual community of friends of the Preach Sista! ministry. Membership is easy … just ask!

Do you ever feel like you are running on empty? What is missing from your life? What would it take to plug the holes and the energy drains? When you see, feel, or think about lack. scarcity, or emptiness, seek ways to fill the holes, replenish and return to a state of abundance and fulfillment.
— Susan C. Young